Friday, December 17, 2010

We have the first draft of a house plan!

It is an eerie feeling knowing that you're going to look at the plans for the first time. Our ideas, dreams and desires, filtered through our vocabulary, into the architect's brain, and out again through his fingertips... what will they look like?

Not bad, actually (see left).

And how do you make a flat plan come to life in your mind? Jim showed us through the house, room by room, imagining every sort of scenario. Think about it - what do you do first when you get home? How do you move through the space where you live? What is the flow of your life?

After a discussion that lasted nearly two hours, we agreed on a few things: the pool needs to move 20 feet or so to the right; the stairs in the entryway need to move about 4 feet to the right, to clear the sight lines in the entry hall; the laundry room needs to be bigger; the garage need to be somewhat smaller. Things to think about: Should the whole thing be moved farther south by a few feet? Or turn slightly to the west?

Lots to ponder.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool layout.
    I love all the porches and terraces. Trying to picture where Mackenzie and the Dragon will reside...

    And I love the questions - what do I do first when I get home? I walk into the studio, take a slow, deep breath and touch the glass/tools/work(s)-in-progress.

